Start Outlook 2010 Command Line Select

Posted on  by admin

For Outlook 2010: 1. Select File - Account Settings - Accounts Settings - Then select the Exchange account that Outlook is prompting the login credentials for and click Change. Click on More Settings. Select the Security tab and uncheck the box next to 'Always prompt for login credentials'.

  1. Outlook Command Line Arguments

You can open Outlook in multiple windows – one window displaying your inbox, for example, one window displaying your calendar, one window displaying your contacts. It can be far easier to switch between windows than to switch from one section of Outlook to another.The simplest way to do that: right-click on the name of an Outlook folder and click on Open in New Window. The picture above shows how it looks in Outlook 2013.You can also create shortcuts for your desktop or taskbar that open directly into your calendar, contacts, or task list.

Each one will open a new Outlook window automatically. Right-click on your desktop and click on New / Shortcut. The location of the item is the path to the Outlook program, followed by a command line switch that selects the folder to open.

Great tip!What about multiple search windows? Commonly I will open an email and do a find related search on both the subject and the sender so I can track different threads.

I have just been upgraded to 2013 and search comes up within outlook and not a stand alone window. If I search on related subject and then on sender, the sender search overtakes the search window and I cannot see both lists at the same time (or any other searches on content that may be related for that matter).Searching for assist on this got me to this post. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!Thanks again for the insight!MV. The command to display the calendar de-selects / unchecks all other calendars except the personal calendar and these settings persist. For instance, I have a standard personal calendar, a sharepoint calendar, and a google calendar all selected in Outlook.If I use the command: ‘Start “Outlook” “Outlook.exe” /select outlook:calendar’The command does open outlook with the default calendar selected (checked), but all other calendars are then unselected. If I stop and start outlook, the calendars remain unselected.Is it possible to start outlook on the calendar page without modifying the calendar selections?.


Opening multiple windows in outlook has cause me a big problem. I’m using Outlook 2016. I noticed the “open in new window” choice when I right clicked the contacts icon and tried it.

Now I can’t get contacts to remerge with the rest of outlook. I’ve closed and reopened outlook and restarted my PC, but in all cases, Outlook shows the icons for mail, calendar and contacts in the lower left corner, but when contacts is selected, nothing changes. Contacts do not display, and there is no contacts ribbon. I have to select “open in new window” to see my contacts, and I can find no function to merge contacts and the contacts ribbon back into the rest of outlook. Anybody have a fix for that problem?. Is one of the leading IT consulting firms in the North Bay, providing computer consulting, network consulting, and IT support to law firms, small businesses, and individuals - onsite in Sonoma County (Santa Rosa, Sebastopol), Marin County (San Rafael), and the Bay Area (San Francisco, Oakland), and remotely for clients all over California.provides daily computer tips, shopping suggestions, support information, security updates, and much more - written in plain a simple directory of obvious places, with links to five hundred web sites and online services. It's everyone's favorite home page!

By default, running Outlook.exe will launch the program and start it normally in Windows. This is what occurs when you click on the Outlook desktop icon. However, there are many times where it would be useful to alter the startup of Outlook 2010 by adding a command line switch.Instead of running outlook.exe, you can add a switch such as shown below: outlook.exe /safeThis will launch Outlook without the Reading Pane or any toolbar customizations and will turn off any COM add-ins. A helpful command if Outlook is crashing because of a recently installed add-in.You can run Outlook 2010 with a command line switch in one of two ways: using the Run command and creating a shortcut. Run CommandIn Windows Vista and Windows 7, click on Start, and then type Run into the Search box. Press Enter and the Run dialog box will appear.Enter the full path to the Outlook.exe file and include the path in quotes. After the quotes, you can type in the command line switch as shown below:“c:program files microsoft officeoffice14outlook.exe” / safeWindows ShortcutIf you want a more permanent solution, you could create a shortcut to the modified Outlook startup.

Outlook Command Line Arguments


Simply follow the first few steps of this previous article and type in the above mentioned path (including the quotes)where it says “Type the location of the item”.Basically, you right-click on the Desktop and choose Create Shortcut Wizard. After that, you just give it a path and a name and you’re done. Outlook 2010 Command Line SwitchesBelow are some of my favorite command line switches that I have used in an IT environment./a – Create a message with a specified file as an attachment, i.e. “c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice14outlook.exe” /a “c:my documentstest.doc”/c messageclass – Creates a new item with a specific type of message class. Examples include:.

/c ipm.appointment creates an appointment. /c creates a contact. /c ipm.note creates an e-mail message. /c ipm.task creates a task/ cleanautocompletecache – Removes everything, including names and email addresses, from the auto-complete list./ cleanrules – Deletes all client and server based rules on Outlook startup./ cleansharing– Useful if you cannot delete a RSS subscription from Outlook 2010. This will remove all RSS, Sharepoint, and Internet Calendar subscriptions from your account settings./ nopreview – Starts Outlook 2010 with the Reading Pane turned off./safe – Starts Outlook without Reading Pane, Toolbar Customizations, and COM add-ins.There are many more command line switches and you can read about the rest on the Office website:If you need some help in using one of the switches, post a comment here and I will try to help!