Infinite Loading Screen Fallout 4

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Infinite Loading Screen Fallout 4Infinite

After Steve Walton's great article about Graphics & CPU Performance, I felt I was all set. My Xeon w3550 with 12GB RAM and a GTX 1050 Ti would give me a good playable game.It has done that.However, there is an issue - the Infinite Loading Screen (ILS) - enough time to brew a pot of coffee as it laboriously loads next level.

Apparently, no one is at all sure why Bethesda is stuck with ILS, but it is. So I thought, 'Hey, fella, get an SSD' which might help - only to learn that storage performance had very little to do with ILS.

Infinite Loading Screen Fallout 4 New Game

So I spent a couple of nights watching Task Master report on Fallout 4 during loads: tiny amounts of disk access, hang around in about 3GB RAM (small compared to 12GB), and less than 30% usage of my quad core/8 thread 3Ghz CPU. I did discover that when I alt-tab out of the game, the CPU use goes UP!! Sometimes as much as double.Help me out here. Why does this happen? What can I do to improve it?

Fallout 4 Forever Loading Screen

#1 PJS1488 Posted 08 January 2017 - 07:40 PM. Aside from it, and, the occasional framerate drop, the game, even heavily modded runs remarkably stable for me. The loading screen issue seems to happen at complete random. Doom 3 multiplayer campaign. It can happen either when I'm trying to exit, or, enter a cell through a door, or, sometimes when I try to fast travel. Game: Fallout 4. When logged in. Basically, it removes everything from the loading screen except the pulsating icon in the bottom right. If you are seeing loading screens still, you likely have mods that add new loading screens. Infinite loading screen (possible FIX!) Only fix is disabling vsynch and lowering your settings since in fallout 4 loading screen depends on fps. As far as i get when you limit the fps the sych between cpu and gpu sort of treats gets broken bethesta always have treating issues in their games and still cant get rid of it what a shame.